Conclave Vice Chief– Adam Parker, Nawakwa Lodge #3
Lead Adviser- Matt Orlando, Shenshawpotoo Lodge #276
Are you interested in American Indian Lore? Do you want to learn more about how to dance in the American Indian way or how to set up a tipi? Are you a seasoned dancer that wants brush up on some skills or connect with old friends? If you answered yes to any of these, then the American Indian Activities is the place for you. Whether you have never danced before or a regular powwow goer, the AIA area has something for you. Exciting trainings and an afternoon powwow will sure to be a good time. If you are a crafter, youth or adult, enter a piece or two of your work into our craft extravaganza on Saturday morning. If you are a youth dancer, come out and compete in our dance competitions that will take place during our Saturday afternoon powwow.
Check out information on the Individual Dance Competition and Craft Extravaganza below! Click here to download a Conclave Powwow Flyer.
Craft Extravaganza
The Craft Extravaganza is scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2014 from approximately 11:00 am to 11:50 am. Arrowmen who wish to display their crafts must register at the American Indian Activities Area between 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Friday, April 24 and 9:00 am and 10:00 am on Saturday, April 25. The Extravaganza will be at the American Activities Area on Saturday, April 25 beginning at 11:00 am and ending around 11:50 am with judging starting at 11:15 pm. Participants should check in prior to the contest at the Extravaganza site. The items will be judged and displayed during lunch at the American Indian Activities Area.
Any Arrowman who is a registered conclave participant must solely make all entries. There is a limit of two (2) entries per participant. Arrowmen should remain with their items throughout
the event. All entries will be judged on the quality of workmanship and authenticity. The Decision of the Judges is final.
Extravaganza categories for entries are:
1. Beadwork / Quillwork/ Woven work (ex: Finger weaving)
2. Bustles
3. Headdresses (roaches, Bonnets)
4. Other
Ribbons will be awarded in each category. An “Overall Best of Show” will be awarded during the powwow in the afternoon on Saturday, April 25.
Scoring Criteria:
Gold Ribbon- Best in Category
Blue Ribbon- (7-10) Superior
Red Ribbon- (3-6) Excellent
White Ribbon- (0-3) Honorable Mention/Participant
*Ribbons will be awarded during the craft show. The Overall Best of Show will be awarded during the powwow.*
Individual Dance Competition
Any number of Contestants from each lodge may participate in the Individual Dance Competitions. During the pre-show the top three (3) dancers in each category will be recognized with awards. All contestants must check-in and receive their number at the American Indian Activities Area. This will take place Friday, April 24 from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Saturday, April 25 from 9:00am to 12:30 pm. If you have a question about the Old Time vs. Contemporary Northern Traditional categories please bring a picture of your outfit to check-in you will advised in which category you should compete. Remember not only is the outfitting different so is the style of dance.
- All contestants must register at Conclave at the American Indian Activities Area in the times specified above.
- There will be six (6) categories of Individual American Indian Dance competition. Note: There will also be a grand champion award that will be competed throughout the entire powwow.
- Fancy Feather
- Modern Grass
- Straight
- Old Time Sioux
- Contemporary Northern Traditional
- Prairie Chicken
- Note: Note: There will also be a grand champion award that will be judged throughout the entire powwow.
- Dancers must wear appropriate authentic clothing. The judges are the final authority of what constitutes appropriate authentic clothing.
- Dancers must dance in the style of their clothing. In competition, if you have finished in one dance style, you may change outfits and dance in another style, if scheduling time permits. You must be registered in both styles.
- Losing a major article off your outfit during the contest means automatic disqualification. The judges are the final authority of what constitutes a major article. Having your outfit properly maintained and secured tightly eliminates this problem.
- All dancers must be under the age of twenty-one (21), and be a registered Conclave participant.
- Dancers must be prepared to compete either indoors or outdoors.
All participants must display the contestant number they were issued at dancer registration, so that the judges can read it. The number is to be attached to the front of the outfit.
- Overstepping a song will result in placement being lowered.
- No part of any protected species may be worn in any manner. Violation of this rule result in automatic disqualification. Please be aware of all state and federal laws regarding protected species.
- Within the guideline found in the U.S. Code as to the American Flag, flags are not to be used as wearing apparel. Therefore no type of U.S. flag(s) will be permitted as part of a dancers outfit. Flag motifs in beadwork and quillwork are acceptable.
- National Order of the Arrow Face Paint Policy. Order of the Arrow activities conducted beyond the individual lodge will not permit face paint, body paint, or wigs to be used in social or competition dancing.
- The Boy Scouts of America policy regarding firearms and knives, as stated in the Guide to Safe Scouting will be followed. The judges will determine the judging criteria and all decisions are final.
There will be no competition for individual skill dancers. (Hoop, horsetail, etc.)
A schedule of the order of the dance competitions will be posted at the registration area on Friday and Saturday. Please be sure to look at it and be ready to dance at the specified time.